A Woman of Independent Means |
Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey |
Black Like Me |
John Howard Griffin |
A *great* book. Non-fiction AND highly recommended. Amazing. |
Wild Swans |
Jung Chang |
Also non-fiction and highly recommended. Crazy! |
The Cat Ate My Gymsuit |
Paula Danziger |
You know, for kids. |
White Teeth |
Zadie Smith |
Not as good as I hoped or expected, but good. |
A Raisin in the Sun |
Lorraine Hansberry. |
Who wants to rent the movie with me? |
Artemis Fowl |
Eoin Colfer |
I'm obviously reading a lot of children's literature these days, on account of being the assistant librarian in an elementary school library and, you know, a reading teacher. This is one that I read because all the kids were reading it (peer pressure! Wait, these aren't my peers!) and I was surprised by how much I liked it and approved of the vocabulary and smart-is-cool meme that it used. |
Number The Stars |
Lois Lowry |
Read this so I could teach it to my fifth-graders. |
The Tortilla Curtain |
T C Boyle |
A friend in Simi Valley said I had to read this if I was going to live in LA, and I am glad I read it. Shows how two worlds exist side by side here and really do not understand each other, and how little misunderstandings can have enormous consequences that lead to these disparate worlds continuing. |
Sixpence House |
Paul Collins |
"Night, I have discovered, has a faintly bitter taste, caused by its large ingredient of Unattained Possibility." --Christopher Morley, in his John Mistletoe. |
Flipped |
Wendelin van Draanen |
A really good kids' book. I didn't expect it to be nearly this good. Excellent children's literature. |
The Second Summer of the Sisterhood |
Ann Brashares |
A Happy Death |
Albert Camus |
'cause it's the kind of thing you're supposed to read on vacation!
"We don't have time to be ourselves. We only have time to be happy." |
An Embarrassment of Mangoes |
Ann Vanderhoof |
Really great memoir. Can I do this someday, please? (Yes, this is much more cruise-worthy material) |
The Princess Bride |
William Goldman |
I really had no idea how amazing this book would be. I loved it! Ohmigod. I promise, you will still love this book even if you love the movie - and incredibly, vice versa. |
The Patron Saint of Liars |
Ann Patchett |
May was a really bad month for me. No, really.
Night Flight |
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry |
The Reading Group |
Elizabeth Noble |
Running With Scissors |
Augusten Burroughs |
Goddamn disturbing, man. |
Walk Two Moons |
Sharon Creech |
Freakonomics |
Levitt and Dunbar |
Thank you, Alexis! |
Your Turn To Curtsy, My Turn To Bow |
William Goldman |
Yum, great and painful almost in a John Irving kind of way. Lovely. |
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close |
Jonathan Safran Foer |
Amazing. |
The Wonder Spot |
Melissa Bank |
Girl, you can do better than this. |
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs |
Chuck Klosterman |
Lolita |
Vladimir Nabokov |
It's about time, no? And *yes*, I started reading Reading Lolita... but I'm putting it aside for later. I need books that are going to eat me up right now; I'll get back to that one. |
The Short Reign of Pippin IV |
John Steinbeck |
Heartfire |
Orson Scott Card |
Great, I read it, now how long until the next one, you pain in my ass? |
Gun, With Occasional Music |
Jonathan Lethem |
All those people who say this is "Raymond Chandler meets Philip K Dick"... well, they're right. |
A Long Way Down |
Nick Hornby |
Well, I love Nick Hornby. This is is kind of a lame story and the characters aren't all *that* compelling, but the style is so good and there are so many of those moments where you're just like, "EXACTLY!" and so many lines that you read over just 'cause they sound so good said in just that way. And the plot is a little bit random but that just means it's not that predictable and so when you're away from the damn thing for a few hours you find yourself wondering how those guys are getting on and what's happening to them... you know how that is? Then fall in love with me, please. |
The Undomestic Goddess |
Sophie Kinsella |
a 24-hour vacation-from-your-head kind of book |
Girls in Pants |
Ann Brashares |
Now what are we going to do? |
The Porcupine |
Julian Barnes |
Julian Barnes is an author I like a lot. If you're not a habitual peruser of my Read page, you may not know that his A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters is one of my most favorite books. |
Frankenstein |
Mary Shelley |
I read this for my book club, even though I was away when we (they) met to discuss it. But hey, in a month with both a Friday the 13th and Halloween... good choice, no? Now, who wants to rent the movie with me? No, really, how 'bout it? |
The Satanic Verses |
Salman Rushdie |
"The fact of being alive compensated for what life did to one."
"Maslama was struggling with his shoelaces. ‘All my life, sir, I knew I had been chosen,’ he was saying in a voice as humble as it had earlier been menacing. ‘Even as a child in Bartica, I knew.’ He pulled off his right shoe and began to roll down his sock. ‘I was given,’ he said, ‘a sign.’ The sock was removed, revealing what looked to be a perfectly ordinary, if outsize, foot. Then Gibreel counted and counted again, from one to six. ‘The same on the other foot,’ Maslama said proudly. ‘I never doubted the meaning for a minute.’ He was the self-appointed helpmate of the Lord, the sixth toe on the foot of the Universal Thing." |
Steps |
Jerzy N. Kosinski |
So, I only own this book by accident; I'd never heard of it before it wound up in my possession and I didn't choose to own it, no one recommended it to me, etc. So then a friend notices it on my bookshelf and says it's good, so I decide to read it. It's in my bag, I read it when I have time to spare between jobs, at lunch, etc, so I'm sitting at work at Temple Judea one day and reading in between classes when a kid walks by. A *kid*, a *student* at this Hebrew school, no way is he older than 13, and he asks what I'm reading. I tell him, and he says...
"Ooh, perverted."
Now, how the fuck does he know when I didn't even know? This book is like from 1969. WTF?? |
A Model World |
Michael Chabon |
Ok, so on page 121 he uses the word busculation which is not to be found in any dictionaries I own, nor practically anywhere online. Ever hear it before?
Also, on page 177 in my edition, there is the following exchange:
"You're insane, Dr Lester," he said.
"You're deranged, Madame LaFarge," said Nathan, automatically.
Is this a reference to something I should know? Is it A Tale Of Two Cities? Is it "Being John Malkovitch"? I can't quite get it. Tell me if you know!
Portrait of the Artist As a Young Dog |
Dylan Thomas |
Assassination Vacation |
Sarah Vowell |
The admonition against special love meant not only a ban on falling in love. It applied to all expresions of over-the-top passion. For example, a little girl who had grown too fond of her favorite doll was marched into the kitchen and told to toss it into the fire. A gifted violin player in danger of becoming a virtuoso and thus too attached to his instrument handed it over to the Oneida authorities and never played again. When a visiting Canadian teacher complained that the community did not foster "genius or special talent," Noyes was delighted, replying, "We never expected or desired to produce a Byron, a Napoleon, or a Michelangelo." You know you've reached a new plateau of group mediocrity when even a Canadian is alarmed by your lack of individuality. |
I have here lists of just about every book I've read in past years, though some years are nicely formatted and some are a big mess. One day I'll get them all looking nice, but when? Oh yeah, the 23rd...
Here we go. This is some thrilling stuff, folks! We have: 2005, very messy. We have 2004, also messy but slightly more interesting. Here is 2003 and 2002, which I think aren't as bad.
Hey, what's your favorite book ever? What would you recommend as a Great Book to just about anyone?
By the way, the reason these books are all hyperlinked to their pages on amazon.com is that I'm an amazon.com "associate", meaning that if you click through to amazon using any of the links on this page and then buy *anything* (even if it's NOT the item I have hyperlinked), then I get "credit" for having referred you in and I get some little percent of what you spend. So I LOVE IT WHEN YOU CLICK THROUGH! Please do it all the time, every time you want to buy something on amazon, come here first! You're the best!
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