Folkdance camps I've attended:
- Hora Shalom 1988, 1989 Mechol HaShalom 1990
- Dalia/Tamaron - ??... 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007
- Karmiel - 1995
- Playshop - 2 years (1996 and 1997?)
- Hora Dikla - 1998
- Machol Europa 1997
- Hora Keff - 1998, 1999 (or else '99 and 2000?), 2008 (for a day and a half or so)
- Rikudia - 1998
- Hilula - 1999
- Horati - 2001
- Chagigah 2001, 2002
- Hilulim 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 (for 8 hours?)
- Orient Camp (women's dances, primarily bellydance) 2002
- Chagigat-Hilulim 2004; Chagigat-Hilulim II 2009
- Sababa 2001, 2003, 2004
- Winter Rikud - 2004, 2005 (for 8 hours?), 2006 (2 hours!), 2009 (7 hours?), 2011 (7 hours!)
- Ramah Rikkudiah - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Rikud - 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- Camp Yona - 2011, on staff as late-night DJ/markida
- Stockton International Folk Dance Camp - 2011, on staff as Israeli teacher
- Balkanot - 2012 Balkan and Israeli camp in Italy. Quasi-staff; I taught one dance (in quasi-Italian!)
Performing groups with whom I've performed:
- Screaming Sa'adya and the Electric Camels - 1996
- B'yachad - dancer 3 years, director 2 years 1996, 97, 98 seasons (sub in 2001). More than 20 performances in 1998
- HaMakor - 1997 (one show)
- Parparim - Shea stadium 1998, 1999, 2001 plus various Israel Day Parades, at the Detroit Zoo, in the Catskill Mountains, festival in Portland Maine, etc
- Tavlin - 1997, 1998
- Mandala Folk Dance Ensemble- 1999-2001
Dancer 1999: Bulgarian, Viejitos, Israeli, Appalachian, Croatian (Posavina), Turkish (black sea)
Dancer and choreographer 2000: Chinese (ribbons), Mexican (Bruja and Vera Cruz/Bamba), Israeli (mine), Croatian (Posavina), Hungarian, Turkish (black sea)
- Neshika -1999 (Naama) 2000 (Bedouin), 2001 (Bedouin and Mizrachit), 2002 (Harmonika), 2003 (Bedouin)
- Reagle Players - "A Little Bit of Ireland" under dance director Deidre Goulding 2000
- Chafif - 2001
- Troupe Sarab (Mirage) - 2002 Bellydance Music Association event (June 7) and 2003 at The Middle East (March 30).
- Collage Dance Ensemble - 1999-2003 - Turkish (Trakya, Black Sea, Bolu, Bingöl, Artvin), Ukrainian, easternTIDES, American (1850s CanCan, 1950s Rock, Appalachian), Uzbekistani (Semerkand), "Coast to Coast" (Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Greek, Turkish medley), and the new balkanBLUES, commissioned by CrashARTS.
- Zikukim 2003 and 2004. Also Boston Festival 2008 and at Tanglewood August 2009 to live music by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
- Boston University's Kalaniot 2004 (one show)
- Keshet Chaim Dance Ensemble Selected Highlights: danced in "Neshama: Stories of the Soul" at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza in April 2005, at the Hollywood Bowl in July '05, at the Kodak Theatre in November '05, "Colors of Israel" in Thousand Oaks in Feb 2006, in Mission Viejo in September 2006 (as the Shabbat Bride!), back in Thousand Oaks for Sababa in March 2007. At the Kodak again for Israel 60 in Spring 2008 (choreographed a part of our suite, "Shuva Israel"!), the Israel 60 celebration show at Paramount Studios, at the Walt Disney Concert Hall summer 2008, Keshet For Life in Spring 2009, Jerusalem Soul at the Ford Amphitheatre with Miri Mesika and Rami Kleinstein 2010, at the Toronto IsReal Dance Festival.
(Many years of the NY Festival, the Boston/MIT Festival, NEFFA)
Performance in Rozann Kraus's number "Wars R Us" in May 2003 (modern dance).
Teaching jobs I've had:
- New Community Jewish High School, West Hills CA - Fall 2007-Present: I teach Israeli dance and I LOVE THIS SCHOOL.
- formerly The Brandeis-Bardin Institute, now the American Jewish University, Simi Valley CA - Fall 2004-Present: I am the Dance Director of the Institute, so I teach at many of the adult and family weekends we have. Come to one! The retreats are lovely, with terrific programming in a breathtakingly beautiful facility.
- Camp Alonim, Simi Valley CA. Starting with Summer 2004, I am the dance director at Alonim, an AMAZING sleep-away camp. Send your kids!
- Temple Judea, Tarzana and West Hills CA - 2005-2010. I teach Israeli dance to about ten million classes a week! Grades K through 9.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School, Northridge CA - Fall 2005-2008: I was the dance specialist, teaching dance (mostly Israeli) to all students from pre-K through fifth grade, with occasional classes for Middle School
- Solomon Schechter Day School, Newton MA - Fall 1998, Fall 1999 Teacher and choreographer (Israeli upper x 2, Israeli lower, international upper).
Winter 2003 - Israeli dance, lower school. Spring - Israeli dance, lower school (14 students). Fall 2003: Israeli, Jazz, Tap, all in lower school. Winter 2004: Israeli dance, upper school. Spring 2004: Hip-hop, upper school. Fall 2004: Israeli dance, upper school. World dance, lower school.
- "SSDS University" - Course for teachers in Israeli dance and how to teach it
- Leventhal-Sidman Jewish Community Center, Newton MA - Fall 2003: Jazz/Funk I and II; Dance Workout; Tap I; Ballet/Tap/Jazz combo
Winter 2004: Jazz/Funk II; Tap I; private and semi-private jazz and tap classes
Fall 2004: Jazz/Funk II; Tap II
- Mishkan Tefila, Chestnut Hill MA - Winter 2002-03. Monthly "enrichment" class in Israeli dance.
- Congregation Beth Elohim, Acton MA - Fall 2003-Winter 2004. Weekly Israeli dance class for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. Included a performance at a local senior center. I helped start "Ta'am", their new performing group, who had their debut at the 2005 Boston Israel Folkdance Festival!
- Temple Israel, Boston MA 2003-2004. Weekly class for adults, open to the public. Weekly class for hebrew school students, grades K through 4.
- Various workshops in Israeli dance for all ages, for holidays, parties, weddings, professional development, you name it.
Classes I've taken:
- Yoga with Dario Velazquez. You brought yourself here, you did the work, the credit is all yours. Irregularly 2004-2012
- Jazz with Lisa Simon - 2003
- Flamenco with Ramón De Los Reyes - 2002. Workshops with Clara Ramona and Omayra Amaya - 2002
- Bellydancing with Seyyide Sultan - 2002
- Bellydance at Cambridge Center for Adult Education - 1998
- African Dance with Joh Camara - 1999
- Ballet with Zabelle Margosian - 1999
- Modern Dance and Composition with Susan Dibble - 1999 AND ?
- Modern dance with Rozann Kraus, founder of the Central Square Dance Complex - 2000?
- Tap II and Jazz II at the Studio of Creative Movement, Waltham MA - 2003 and Fall 2003
- Hip Hop at the Studio of Creative Movement, Waltham MA - Fall 2003
- Various others throughout, including tap classes, workshops in Palestinian dance, African drumming, Teaching Dance, etc.